Friday, October 23, 2009


seriously. im no body to you. why should i even bother to be around you. im not part of your world, and never have been. you don't even care if im not there. i'd said this before, remember when you didn't invite me, i was devastated. but i change my mind. seriously. no need to invite me anymore. its not healthy for me to be around in your world. i don't even belong there. im just someone you know. i am nothing to you. im like a piece of rock, sitting there, quietly, staring at everyone around me, trying to find a way to voice out against those noises. the only sound that came out of me, is when provoked. you're there, not knowing anything about me. i hate you for that. i should have avoid this years ago, but im trying my best to slip away slowly, no one will ever notice that im gone. i promise you that. you and your world and its time for me to live in mine.


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