Wednesday, November 30, 2011

sakit di perantauan

its official.

First time sakit di perantauan.

Period + fever + flu + cough : not a good combination

I hate being sick.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Back to the Cambs

I'm back in Cambs.

I miss Farah already.

Can't wait for Mum to come in two weeks time.

Cepat lah sikit!

Crap! I'm late for class.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy anniversary!

Its my parent's 30th anniversary today


Miss them always.

Happy anniversary mum and dad!

Love you both always!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011 SPM Candidates

To all 2011, SPM Candidates,

and to my cousin Ayumi-chan,



Tup tap tup tap!

Dah 3 bulan di perantauan.

First time living abroad on my own.

It's great.

But I really miss everyone.

Cepat betul masa berlalu.

Sometimes I cannot believe I'm already here.

3 bulan.

Now it's autumn,

The weather is very cold.

Daun-daun dah mula luruh.

Cantik! Tapi suram.

Sudah lah, sampai sini saja.

Dah meluat dengan keypad iPad ni.

I promise to update this blog as often as possible.


Okay meluat sungguh dengan keypad ni.


P/s: RINDU!!!!!!