Monday, April 20, 2009

Pictures - Fraser's Hill

Here are the pictures of what I took for my dad research. Its call Lichen. Its part fungus and alga. According to my dad, it will take them years to grow, bit by bit. It is very delicate. It was fun helping my dad, at least I got to hang out with him and see how he does his work. Although at times I'll freak out because I'm afraid of pacat! Thank God, takda seekor pun. Before you're going up to Fraser's Hill there is this big billboard with strawberries picture. Naik atas tu, haram gila. Tak ada pun, kat Cameron Highlands ada la! GRRR!!! KENA TIPU! Anyway, I had fun except for the part my dad left me alone in the hotel to meet his friends. Damn scary lah at night. I was alone and there was no air con or fan, so my dad had left the window open. It was suppost to be cooler lah, but you know lah now kan global warming. Memang panas lah. Anyway, its was dark outside, like really gelap because our room was facing the golf course. Scary gila. Thanks dad! : ) I hope my dad will be bring me again to take pictures for his work. Best lah, makan, minum, tempat tinggal semua free. *LOL*

Dad taking sample for his research

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