Monday, April 6, 2009

Ma sayang Pa sangat-sangat

WTF? Seriously nak muntah. Kene hantar mak pergi kerja hari ni. Anyway, this morning on my way back to my house, i was listening to the radio. I tuned to and I heard The DJ whoever his name is, was talking to this one girl, appearently the girl has an affair with another guy, when he asked why. she said because her boyfriend did it first, meaning he also had an affair with another girl. i guess she wants revenge. FINE. but then the DJ said, "Do you want to say anything to your boyfriend". The girl; "ya, MA SAYANG PA SANGAT-SANGAT" LMAO!!!! Seriously nak muntah. I was laughing my ass off. yuck! please. it is bad enough with "abang and ayang" ni, "MA and Pa" ingat dah ada anak ke? please AHHAHAHHA serious funny. kalau dah kahwin ada anak, takpa jugak. wek wek. TEKAK GELI!~


Ad Lee said...

hahaha. geli sangat.. even my parents dont call each other ma pa.

makes me wanna punch people who use ma and pa. hahahha

E.L.M.O said...

exactly! i muntah, u punch k :D

ladyhaneem said...

hahahaa....i amek gambar ;p