Friday, August 28, 2009


Obsesi! I want a new cage for my babies. Grrr!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Caci Cacu Caca

Caci lah.

Caci selagi boleh.

Yelah, kita ni apa lah sangat. Hina.

Hina sangat!

Kalau nak bandingkan dengan mereka tu.

Jauh berbeza.

Macam langit dengan bumi.

Kena macam ini. Kena macam tu.

Tak boleh macam ni. Tak boleh macam tu.


Apa boleh buat?

Tak dijemput.

Tak kan nak menjemput diri sendiri.

Aku ni apa lah sangat.

Tak ada apa-apa pun.

Terhina jer.

Hati sakit.

Biar jer lah~

Semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Everything is good

Thank God, Alhamdulillah. Everything was good yesterday. Gemuruh tak terhingga, tapi alhamdulillah, semua okay. YAHOOO!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Im really annoyed with this one person. She is so annoying. I don't really know you okay! stop asking me questions. Polis pencen ke? Busy body! No wonder your friends left you. Kalau tanya elok-elok takpa jugak, ni macam-macam kau nak tau. Why? You want to pick up my dad from KLIA is it? Screw you!~

Chali : Yes yes, ala I played soccer for fun jer, during PJ. Over excited sangat but that time I dapat one week cuti sebab tak leh jalan. Im okay now, sakit sikit jer, kakak helped to urut my kaki. Thank God my scene duduk jer. *ehhehe* btw, I'm getting ready to go to practice la ni =D

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sejarah Berulang Lagi

I know the title may sound lame to you, but believe me it doesn't have anything to do with the song. Yesterday, I went to practice as usual. I was over excited when we are told to do like kung-fu action. Guess what happen. My knee "snapped" siap bunyi lagi and I fell. I kept on laughing but serious shit I was in pain. Luckily I can still walk. Back then, when I was in form 3 the same thing had happened. At that time, it was because I played soccer and some how my knee snapped and I cannot even walk. Now I'm in a lot of pain. I hate this feeling. ARGH! I NEED PAIN KILLER!