Saturday, July 18, 2009


I want this please! :)

I went to Toy'R'Us twice today just to check this thing out. I want it so bad!

Charlie : Yes, affandi awang, terkejut kot bila budak2 tu cakap dah tukar lecturer. TAKOT! *LOL* yes, tidoq uia :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm glad that my new roommates are okay. Occupant of compartment A is Alya. She is an engineering student and this is her final semester. She is the same age as I am. Compartment B is yours truly, me and compartment D is occupied by a Sarawakian, Rika. She reminds me of Epah. My room is quite okay. I slept like the dead. I was supprised that I could wake up early. Usually my morning is night and my night is day. Anyway, went to the first class, world literature. Quayum seems quite okay but I can't help but to feel abit chill in his class. I'm not sure if its because of the room is too cold or his presence. Second class was fun. Subra is funny. Now is 12.16pm and I'm updating my blog. Appearently, intro to fiqh class was cancelled. Our lecturer is not Wan Rumaizi anymore. He was replaced by Affandi Awang what is his name, I'm not sure. Anyways, Mamet said his stomach is growling, (takut kene pukul dgn mamet) got to go. LATER~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pretty wing

I was reading this article in Cleo's last issue regarding how some people are trying too hard to fit in. Reminds me of someone. Some people tend to over do it just to be accepted. However, I've learned my mistake back when I was in high school. Now, I rather stand out in a crowd and be myself. Like in the article, "Stay true to yourself". anyways these are the signs if you are trying TOO HARD -
  • you always agree with the other person no matter the topic.
  • you find yourself talking up your job/your boyfriend/friends to impress others.
  • you're willing to compromise your beliefs and morals if it means you'll accepted by your friends.
  • you love everything your friends wear and buy same clothes (so you end up looking like identical twins)
  • you have an opinion about everything. its just that it changes to match whoever you're with.
  • you find yourself in random places and doing things you'd always told yourself you'd never do.
It does not matter if you like your friend's things. Friends shares the same interest. So, no surprise if one has the same/similar to the outfit or things of their friends. Why try too hard to fit in? Friends will accept you no matter who you are unless you over done it. Been there, done that. I guess I've grown out of it. It was a terrible mistake and I'd learned my lesson. Long and slightly different story but in other words I was like agak poyo and mean lah back then. :)
Anyway, DON'T BE A POSER! It would not help you. Be real to yourself, do not change your believes and morals just because you want to be cool like your friends. Another quotation from the article,

"If you make fitting in your highest priority, you run the risk of being exposed as a FAKE".

Bila Garfield Boring

I was arranging Sid's cage and Garfield decided to let himself in. wth? Tak muat lah Garfield. Btw, don't worry. Sid was not in there with him. He was in the bonding pouch at that time. Garfield, you amazed me. Anyway, my holiday is coming to end and class will start soon. *woohooo* Only 4 class + photography class. NO evening classes yahooo!!! + no class on friday! YAY! These past few days I've been running around buying my things for the new sem. Semangat! Need to wash my face then off the bed. Later~

Haneem : Thanks anem. *hehhehe* sayang anak-anak I :)

Chali : Yes, now ada 2 :) Fazz suka sangat! *LOL* + if you want to shop online ni url dia :- I selalu tengok-tengok barang kat sini. Even pet's stuff pun ada banyak orang jual kat sini. Selamat ber-shopping online!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Girl

I got my baby girl today! I'm so happy! Currently calling her Girl because I haven't decided what to name her. She's cute and way smaller than Sid. I realize that Sid had grown so much bigger. Mummy love you, Sid! and Girl too :)